D.I.Yote Writing

Self-published furry novels

Since his entrance to the fandom almost a decade ago, this Southern Californian coyote has been honing his craft in furry literature. Set primarily in his personal T'sivetan universe, Tillman's writing covers multiple genres and both the magical and mundane of his furry cohorts.Click the pictures for links to buy; paperback and e-book formats available!

The Knight and the Unicorn (2018)

Tristan and Rosalyn are lovers living in the thriving city of Illyndria, whose prosperity is known for miles around. The prosperity is marred when Rosalyn is stolen away by one known to the city simply as "the Enchantress," who steals away young girls and kills them and their attempted rescuers ever in search of increasing vitality and immortal life by stealing theirs. When Rosalyn is discovered missing after a struggle just before her coming of age, Tristan risks his life and sets off in pursuit of the Enchantress in the hopes of retrieving Rosalyn. Tristan's bravado and courage are tested, and with the help of a forest guardian, Tristan must overcome the challenges of the wood to save his dear love. All the while, something is watching him, and the boundaries between truth and lies seem to grow thinner and thinner...A more modern spin on classic fairy-tales for ages 12 and up. 164 pp.
(ebook available)

Life is an Unwritten Book (Dawson Sisters Trilogy #1) (2019)

Edward Thompson has hit a low point in his writing career. The coyote Canid's recent works are not getting the attention they used to, and praise for his rival's lesser-quality novel has enlarged his ego to unbearable and confrontational levels. A journal his close friend gives him seems like a good escape and place to put his thoughts until the woman of his dreams on the page appears in his reality. With this in mind, Edward decides to use the journal to advance his career, carefully altering and maneuvering things to get back into the spotlight.Temptations abound, and soon others wonder if things written as imaginative flights of fancy shouldn't remain that way.A dark-fantasy homage to The Twilight Zone for 16+ readers. Contains violence, sensuality, and language. 340pp.
(ebook available)

Ace in the Hole (Dawson Sisters Trilogy #2) (2022)

Austin "Ace" Honoran: charismatic stage magician, mysterious traveler, Master-level Dark magic user. Those qualifications are enough to make apprentice-level Evan McAllister sign on for Ace's training program just to avoid the apathy he's been experiencing. The catch is that Evan must master his own Dark magic and release himself from Ace's to graduate from the program. And yet the suave and stimulating magician may have his eye on Evan for something more than just training.Meanwhile, Ace's old friend Ryker Magnusson stops by with a couple of business partners for a visit and a proposition. Magnusson wants Ace's Dark magic abilities to make certain influential figures turn a blind eye to his burgeoning criminal empire. And if Ace doesn't say "yes", Magnusson's partners have other ways of making them comply. Caught in the crossfire, Evan and turncoat vixen Rosalyn must fight off criminal thugs and mental manipulation from all sides to save Ace and stop Magnusson. Evan must learn to master his own magic and release himself quickly, as only by freeing himself and figuring out the real Ace Honoran under the stage persona will he have a chance at saving them both.A modern dark-fantasy with a combination of spells and stage magic, urban-setting mobs with fantasy-style magic, and psychological manipulation for 18+ readers. Contains sensuality, intense violence, and heavy language. 428pp.
(ebook available)

The Prince and the Gunslinger (Dawson Sisters Trilogy #3) (2023)

All Brandon Smith wanted when he moved to Cortland was a simple life as a farmer to call his own. And, after ten years, he has everything he wants: a steady worker retinue, a ranch house, and a plot of land to call his own. Things change when prospectors find gold on his property, and soon royalty comes looking for him to make a deal, declaring the land of one Brandon Smith to potentially be the richest plot in the region. Despite pressure to sell from the Prince himself, Brandon refuses to budge, and soon Prince Garou VI turns to more threatening measures to get him to leave. The series of violent escalations between these two men - an anger-prone Prince desperately seeking glory and renown, and a stubborn rancher willing to do whatever is necessary to keep his land - will shake their foundations to the core and make them wonder if their pursuits really are worth their weight in gold.A slow-burn but high-intensity mix of Western and thriller for a tale of revenge and redemption for 18+ readers. Contains intense violence and occasional gore. 242pp.